Color in storyboard not matching UIColor

I am defining a color in code as

[UIColor colorWithHue:32.0/360.0 saturation:0.88 brightness:0.97 alpha:1]

If I try to set the same color in storyboard, when running the App it is a slightly different colour to the one defined in code. If I drag the color to the palate then select a different color and select the palate one again, the HSB values are slightly different. It seems it is snapping to a different (RGB?) color in interface builder.

Solution 1:

Xcode 8+, iOS 10+

I recently faced this problem and none of the posted answers did it. It turns out that with the release of iOS 10 SDK, the UIColor initializer init(red:green:blue:alpha:) now uses the extended sRGB range, so you have to set accordingly when configuring your color values on the Storyboard.

enter image description here

See Apple's documentation:

Solution 2:

I had the same issue. I was seeing runtime RGB values of the colors from storyboards not matching UIColors created at runtime in code. I was able to fix this in storyboards by setting the color to be "Generic RGB" (vs the default of sRGB) when configuring it. Here is a screenshot of what I'm talking about in IB:

IB Color config util