"template<>" vs "template" without brackets - what's the difference?

Suppose I've declared:

template <typename T> void foo(T& t);

Now, what is the difference between

template <> void foo<int>(int& t);


template void foo<int>(int& t);

semantically? And do template-with-no-brackets and template-with-empty-brackets have other semantics in other contexts?

Related to: How do I force a particular instance of a C++ template to instantiate?

Solution 1:

template <> void foo<int>(int& t); declares a specialization of the template, with potentially different body.

template void foo<int>(int& t); causes an explicit instantiation of the template, but doesn't introduce a specialization. It just forces the instantiation of the template for a specific type.

Solution 2:

With class/struct,

template <typename T> struct foo {};

Following is a specialization:

template <> struct foo<int>{};

Following is an explicit instantiation:

template struct foo<int>;