copied user profile, now get "cannot access device...appropriate permissions" on system files

I still don't have everything working perfectly (there still seem to be some problems with software that uses the VirtualStore), but most of the problems seemed to have to do with ownership and access permission on some the registry keys.

Some (not all) of the keys under the new user were still owned by and/or had access permission for the old identity. I ran as administrator with the new user and also a default user logged on (so I could compare keys), and then went into HKEY_USERS\<new user id>\Software, and also HKEY_USERS\<new user id>_Classes, and set everything to be owned by the new user and have full control by the new user. Probably a meat-ax approach, but there were way too many to do one at a time.

Like I say, most stuff seems to be working now.