How to get a list of values into a flag in Golang?

What is Golang's equivalent of the below python commands ?

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="something")
parser.add_argument("-getList1",nargs='*',help="get 0 or more values")
parser.add_argument("-getList2",nargs='?',help="get 1 or more values")

I have seen that the flag package allows argument parsing in Golang. But it seems to support only String, Int or Bool. How to get a list of values into a flag in this format :

go run myCode.go -getList1 value1 value2 

You can define your own flag.Value and use flag.Var() for binding it.

The example is here.

Then you can pass multiple flags like following:

go run your_file.go --list1 value1 --list1 value2

UPD: including code snippet right there just in case.

package main

import "flag"

type arrayFlags []string

func (i *arrayFlags) String() string {
    return "my string representation"

func (i *arrayFlags) Set(value string) error {
    *i = append(*i, value)
    return nil

var myFlags arrayFlags

func main() {
    flag.Var(&myFlags, "list1", "Some description for this param.")

You can at least have a list of arguments on the end of you command by using the flag.Args() function.

package main

import (

var one string

func main() {
    flag.StringVar(&one, "o", "default", "arg one")
    tail := flag.Args()
    fmt.Printf("Tail: %+q\n", tail)

my-go-app -o 1 this is the rest will print Tail: ["this" "is" "the" "rest"]

Use flag.String() to get the entire list of values for the argument you need and then split it up into individual items with strings.Split().

If you have a series of integer values at the end of the command line, this helper function will properly convert them and place them in a slice of ints:

package main

import (

func GetIntSlice(i *[]string) []int {
    var arr = *i
    ret := []int{}
    for _, str := range arr {
        one_int, _ := strconv.Atoi(str)
        ret = append(ret, one_int)
    return ret

func main() {
    tail := flag.Args()
    fmt.Printf("Tail: %T,  %+v\n", tail, tail)
    intSlice := GetIntSlice(&tail)

    fmt.Printf("intSlice: %T,  %+v\n", intSlice, intSlice)


mac:demoProject sx$ go run demo2.go 1 2 3 4
Tail: []string,  [1 2 3 4]
intSlice: []int,  [1 2 3 4]