Where is my desktop background? [closed]

I tried this and it worked!

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.background active true

update 2021 with ubuntu 21.10

if the above dosen't work you might need to follow this

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/shemgp/gnome-40/ubuntu/ hirsute main

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop --reinstall

Having the same problem.

A workaround I've found through random clicking is to turn on desktop icons.

This can be done with dconf-editor or ubuntu-tweak-tool. The second is the easiest:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak-tool

Then launch it from the menu.

Under System/Desktop Icons you'll find a toggle to enable icons on the desktop. Switch this on, and suddenly -- wallpaper! This stays there if you turn off desktop icons but disappears again on login.

I've just allowed desktop icons to stay enabled, but simply any from my desktop.

Right click isn't working for me either...cause the desktop is not handled by file manager now.

Try doing reset of dconf/unity --reset... but it makes lose all your settings...I've found one link:


Maybe this can help.

SOME DETAILS: (from link, with minor edit for clarity)

.. you can reset the settings from terminal. (CTRL+ALT+T).

or just Ctrl+Alt+F1.

"You will lose all of your settings .. even the background. .. apply the commands below one at time."

Check your spelling, and/or print this first.

gconftool --shutdown

sudo killall -r -I gconf
sudo killall -r -I dconf

rm -rf .compiz* .gconf* .config/dconf/ .config/compiz*

Restart PC

sudo shutdown -r now

Quick fix - install "Gnome Tweak Tool" and in the Desktop section uncheck "Have file manager handle the desktop."

Un-tick "Have file manager handle the desktop" in Gnome Tweak Tool and your wallpaper should show up again.