Excluding some character from a range - javascript regular expression

To validate only word simplest regex would be (I think)


I want to exclude digits and _ from this (as it accept aa10aaand aa_aa now, I want to reject them)

I think it can be gained by


which means I have to take a different approach other than the previous one.

but what if I want to exclude any character from this range suppose I will not allow k,K,p,P or more.

Is there a way to add an excluding list in the range without changing the range.?

To exclude k or p from [a-zA-Z] you need to use a negative lookahead assertion.


Use anchors if necessary.


It checks for not of k or p before matching each character.



It just excludes the lines which contains k or p and matches only those lines which contains only alphabets other than k or p.



This should do it.See demo.The negative lookahead will assert that matching word has no p or k.Use i modifier as well.


var re = /^(?!.*(?:p|k))[a-zA-Z]+$/gmi;
var str = 'One\nTwo\n\nFour\nFourp\nFourk';
var m;

while ((m = re.exec(str)) != null) {
if (m.index === re.lastIndex) {
// View your result using the m-variable.
// eg m[0] etc.