Housing steps and requirements in Caesar 3

In Caesar 3, you need to provide new services for a house to evolve, from small tents all the way up to luxury palace.

What are each steps with the corresponding required service?

Solution 1:

Source: Appian Way (Wayback machine copy of defunct website)

Housing levels with required services:

Housing Level Desirab. Entert. Services Goods
Small Tent -99 0 None!
Large Tent -10 0 Water
Small Shack -5 0 1 Food Type
Large Shack 0 0 Temple to 1 God
Small Hovel 4 0 Clean Water 4
Large Hovel 8 10
Small Casa 12 10 School or Library
Large Casa 16 10 Baths Pottery
Small Insulae 20 25
Medium Insulae 25 25 Doctor or Hospital Furniture
Large Insulae 32 25 School & Library Barber Oil
Grand Insulae 40 35 2nd Food Type
Small Villa 48 35 Temples to 2 Gods Wine
Medium Villa 53 40 Doctor & Hospital
Large Villa 58 45 Academy
Grand Villa 63 50 Temples to 3 Gods 3rd Food Type
Small Palace 68 55 2 Types of Wine
Medium Palace 74 60
Large Palace 80 70 Hippodrome
Luxury Palace 90 80 All of them! Everything!

Housing levels with population, prosperity factor, and tax multiplier.

(for details, refer to the original website)

Housing Level Size Population Prosp Factor Tax Mult
Small Tent 1x1 5 5 1
Large tent 1x1 7 10 1
Small Shack 1x1 9 15 1
Large Shack 1x1 11 20 1
Small Hovel 1x1 13 25 2
Large Hovel 1x1 15 30 2
Small Casa 1x1 17 35 2
Large Casa 1x1 19 45 2
Small Insulae 1x1 19 50 3
Medium Insulae 1x1 20 58 3
Large Insulae 2x2 84 65 3
Grand Insulae 2x2 84 80 4
Small Villa 2x2 40 150 9
Medium Villa 2x2 42 180 10
Large Villa 3x3 90 400 11
Grand Villa 3x3 100 600 11
Small Palace 3x3 106 700 12
Medium Palace 3x3 112 900 12
Large Palace 4x4 190 1500 15
Luxury Palace 4x4 200 1750 16