Can I move my European WoW account to a US server?

I have a paid European WoW account, but would like to play with friends on a US server. This site claims that it's possible by editing a line in the realm list file, but that didn't work for me. Other sites claim that it's impossible. Is there a way to switch between EU and US servers with a single account?

Solution 1:

No, there's no way to transfer an account to a different region. Sorry. :(

Editing your file as that link describes will make your game client connect to the US servers, but it doesn't change where your characters are stored or what type of account you have. The only reason you'd want to do that is if you had both a EU account and a US account, and wanted to switch between them without installing a second copy of WoW.

Solution 2:

No its not, and my guess is the replies on that blog are fake. Everything is partitioned in the different regions, for example EU & NA accoutns cannot chat with each other via realid and so forth.

Solution 3:

No, your account is tied to a region. The file is just for the purpose of getting the realms from a different region. So lets say you have created an US account, you would only have to change the file to change the login servers (and realm servers) to those from the US.