Is there a quick way to “flatten” an image in iOS

I use the ‘markup’ extension in iOS Photos to ‘black out’ sensitive information in screenshots, occasionally. Unfortunately, this leaves the “revert” button, meaning that said sensitive information is sitting archived in my iCloud Photos indefinitely.

I've got the messy solution of texting myself the modified image, deleting the original, deleting it again from Recently Deleted Photos, and then re-saving it from the text-message I sent myself … but that's no fun.

What's the quickest way to turn a modified photo into a flattened copy of itself?

Solution 1:

The best way I've found is to use Adobe Darkroom iOS app. You can view and edit photos from your regular albums, then export them to a flat file. Export to a new file, then delete the original via Darkroom. (I just checked, and realized I've been choosing the wrong option, 'modify original' - the details there say the image is still editable...damn). I just tested and in Darkroom I see markups made in the iOS photos app.

I wish apple would make a 'flatten' option! I'd love an app that flattens all edited photos before I export to windows.

Solution 2:

One way to do it natively is to save the photo to your Files (tap the Share icon, then scroll to Save to Files). Then go into the Files app, find the image, tap the Share icon there and tap Save Image.

This will copy the flattened file back to your Photos. Unfortunately, it looks like you lose some meta-data, but it's the best option I've found.