Make a USB stick act like a CD

I used to have a U3 memory stick that came with two partitions, the FAT32 one with data and one that acted like a CD drive so that the executable in it ran automatically under Windows. How can I make my memory stick have two partitions like this forcibly so that I can have a read-only part of my memory stick that also runs the auto-run automatically in Windows?

I'm perfectly confident with using tools like GParted, and the like too.

Solution 1:

I've used Portable Apps to great success before. Basically it lets you install portable versions of applications (and they have compatibility fixes for TONS of them) and run them directly from their launcher utility.

The installer for the utility should set it up as an autorun, unless they've changed this since the last time I used it. In the event that it doesn't, this is easy enough to set up, but note that it varies from OS to OS. In particular, old fashioned autorun.inf won't work under Windows 7 anymore. There's a good bit of detail on this here and also here. To get autorun working under Windows 7 requires special firmware on the drive and/or some specialty software preinstalled on the machine.