What is the benefit of Keyword Lists?

Solution 1:

                   │ Keyword List │ Map/Struct │ HashDict (deprecated) │
│ Duplicate keys   │ yes          │ no         │ no                    │
│ Ordered          │ yes          │ no         │ no                    │
│ Pattern matching │ yes          │ yes        │ no                    │
│ Performance¹     │ —            │ —          │ —                     │
│ ├ Insert         │ very fast²   │ fast³      │ fast⁴                 │
│ └ Access         │ slow⁵        │ fast³      │ fast⁴                 │

Keyword lists are lightweight and have a simple structure underneath them, which makes them very flexible. You can think of them as syntax sugar on top of an Erlang convention, making it easy to interface with Erlang without writing too ugly code. For example, keyword lists are used to represent function arguments, which is a property inherited from Erlang. In some cases, keyword lists are your only choice, especially if you need duplicate keys or ordering. They simply have different properties than the other alternatives, which make them more suitable for some situations and less for others.

Maps (and Structs) are used to store actual payload data, since they have a hash-based implementation. Keyword lists internally are just lists that need to be traversed for each operation, so they don't have the properties of classic key-value data structures like constant time access.

Elixir also introduced HashDict as a workaround for the poor performance of maps at the time it was written. However, this is fixed now as of Elixir 1.0.5/Erlang 18.0 and HashDict will be deprecated in future versions.

If you dig deeper into the Erlang standard library, there are even more data structures that store key/value pairs:

  • proplists – similar to Elixir keyword lists
  • maps – same as Elixir maps
  • dict – key-value dictionaries built from Erlang primitives
  • gb_trees – general balanced tree

You also have these options when you need to store key/value pairs across multiple processes and/or VMs:

  • ets/dets – (disk based) Erlang term storage
  • mnesia – distributed database

¹ Generally speaking, but of course it depends™.

² Best case is just prepending to a list.

³ Applies to Elixir 1.0.5 and above, may be slower in older versions.

HashDict is now being deprecated.

⁵ Requires a linear search which on average scans half of the elements.

Solution 2:

The main benefit of keyword lists is a backward compatibility with existing elixir and erlang codebase.

They also adds syntax sugar if used as functions arguments which resembles for e.g. a ruby syntax:

def some_fun(arg, opts \\ []), do: ...
some_fun arg, opt1: 1, opt2: 2

The main drawback of using keyword lists is that it's not possible to perform a partial pattern matching on them:

iex(1)> m = %{a: 1, b: 2}
%{a: 1, b: 2}
iex(2)> %{a: a} = m
%{a: 1, b: 2}
iex(3)> a
iex(4)> k = [a: 1, b: 2]
[a: 1, b: 2]
iex(5)> [a: a] = k
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: [a: 1, b: 2]

Let's extend it to function arguments. Imagine we need to handle a multiclause function based on a value of one of the options:

def fun1(arg, opt1: opt1) when is_nil(opt1), do: do_special_thing
def fun1(arg, opts), do: do_regular_thing

def fun2(arg, %{opt1: opt1}) when is_nil(opt1), do: do_special_thing
def fun2(arg, opts), do: do_regular_thing

This will never execute the do_special_thing:

fun1("arg", opt1: nil, opt2: "some value")
doing regular thing  

With map arguments it will work:

fun2("arg", %{opt1: nil, opt2: "some value"})
doing special thing