Can't ping Mac from PC

I have a PC running Windows 10 and a Mac running macOS 10.12.4 both connected to a common home WiFi network.

Mac network settings
Firewall: disabled, IP:, Subnet:

Windows network settings
Firewall: disabled, IP:, Subnet:

Ping Results

  • Mac->Mac (other) = success
  • Mac->PC = success
  • PC->PC = success
  • PC->Mac = fail

When monitoring tcpdump via Terminal on the Mac it is showing that the computer is receiving the ping, but the PC is not receiving a reply.

I had similar problems, tried lots of things and finally tried not only to shutdonw my checkpoint VPN client but also delete all profiles and one would'nt delete as it had some firewall settings enforced...sounded scary so I removed checkpoint completely and viola ping works :)