ERROR ITMS-90032:"Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons':AppIcon40x40"
I get this "No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons':" error, even when i have added app icon images in Images.xcastes folder, while uploading my app to appstore. Your immediate response is appreciated. Thanks
Solution 1:
I got this error; all my images were correctly located in the Images.xcassets folder, and it compiled, verified and ran OK on my development system. So I just deleted the bad key from the <project name>-Info.plist file.
Then the upload to the app store went without complaint. YMMV.
Solution 2:
I had a similar issue when submitting my app. Same message except it was AppIcon120x120. The problem being on the new xcasset layout there is a new CarPlay icon for iOS8. Clearing that icon fixed it, which I filled in out of habit. Here is where I found the answer. 90032 invalid image problem.
Solution 3:
I got the same error when I submitted my app with a watchkit extension. This is the solution that worked for me :
- Deleted the AppIcon Image set from my Xcode project Images.xcassets with all the icons that I added.
- Then recreate the AppIcon Image set from + button below when you select the Images.xcassets file. You can do this by clicking the plus button then select New App Icon.
- A new AppIcon Image set will be created. Now, add all the required icons that you app support.Make sure they are in the PNG-24 format.
- Finally, I selected my app name Target and under General tab I scrolled down to the section App Icons and Lunch Images and selected the newly created AppIcon images set in the App Icons Source
- Clean your project and rebuild. This solution worked for me and removed the errors.
Solution 4:
I'm using Xamarin Studio V 5.10.3 and had a few issues while using Application Loader to submit the .ipa file to the App Store.
I also had this ERROR itms-90022 due to missing 120x120 icon. Of course I had included the 120x120 file in the Images.xcassets --> AppIcons.appiconset --> Contents.json I wasn't sure what the issue was.
What finally worked for me was: 1) Based on the first answer to this question, I removed the CarPlay 120x120 and 180x180 images from the Contents.json reference. I tried getting it to go through again, but it failed..still claiming it was missing the 120x120 file.
2) I noticed that there were 2 files of size 120x120 (I had uploaded a 40pt x 3 = 120x120 AND a 60pt x 2, which also = 120x120. Perhaps they were conflicting!) I removed one of them.... tried again.. STILL no go.
3) I deleted the AppIcons.apppiconset folder from the project completely and recreated it by right clicking on Images.xcassets and choosing Add --> New App Icon. I recreated the Contents.json, making sure to not use 2 different versions of the 120x120 file. Once they were all filled in, I tried submitting through Application Loader again and IT WORKED!
Short answer = delete your AppIcons.appiconset folder and recreate it. Make sure you aren't using 2 different files that are the same size (like 40pt x3 and 60pt x2).
Solution 5:
Make sure your images are not corrupted and are in the right format (png24). I had one bad image that was tripping me up. After trying everything else, I incidentally discovered the bad one. Wouldn't it be nice if we got a meaningful error message about this.