Excel cells - show text different to the actual value?

Is it possible in Excel to have a cell show text that is different from its value?

I would like to have a a cell that has the value 1,2,3 ... or 7 but it will show day of the week as text - but when I use the cell value in formulas it should use the numbers!

Any suggestions?

Solution 1:

You can indeed use conditional formatting, resonably simply:

Apply conditional format to one sample cell (using cell A1 as the example)
Create a set of 7 format conditions,

Condition formula       Format (Number: Custom)
=A1=1                   "Sunday"
=A1=2                   "Monday"
=A1=3                   "Tuesday"
=A1=4                   "Wednesday"
=A1=5                   "Thursday"
=A1=6                   "Friday"
=A1=7                   "Saturday"

Then copy paste special format (or use the format painter) to apply to other cells as required