How do spells measure time?

In real time terms what are the units of time that spell and effects use in Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition?

I mean the times such as Casting Time, Turn, Round, Hours, etc.

Casting Time




1 day in game = 24 hours in-game = 1200 rounds = 7200 seconds

1 hour = 5 Turns = 50 rounds = 300 seconds

1 turn = 10 rounds = 60 seconds

1 round = 6 seconds

I presume cast time is in rounds and that duration turn is upon the person's turn.

Notice: Some spell time/duration description are inconsistency in defining time/duration so beware.

Casting time is in tenths of a round. Casting time 1 = 0.6 second Casting time 9 = 5.4 seconds