Is there a single word for "love of quality"? [closed]

I'm editing my CV and I'd like to let readers know that I love quality. Since these things tend to get too wordy already, I'm looking to cut down on clutter, and potentially impress the busy HR people by making them google an obscure word. I'm sure they'll love it.

So, is there a word (or short phrase) for love of/for quality?

Edit: Obscurity is not a requirement, I just imagined it would be so because I couldn't come up with one. Which is quite arrogant of me.

Solution 1:

In the context of the tech industry (if it's about code quality or QA processes, for example), a candidate may be expected to be rigorous, meticulous, or even a perfectionist.

I've seen the word perfectionist (or healthy perfectionist) used in this context quite a number of times, without any negative connotations.

perfectionist: someone who is not satisfied with anything unless it is completely perfect

Mart Kenney was a perfectionist, and his high standards were an example to everyone else.


Although I wouldn't expect the HR people to google meticulousness, rigor, or perfectionism :)