How to get Nautilus-scripts working Nautilus?

How to get Nautilus-scripts (Terminal here, Root Nautilus, Root Gedit) working on Ubuntu 13.04?

I copied those scripts to .gnome2/nautilus-scripts folder but it dose not seem to work anymore

Try putting scripts in /home/$USER/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/

This is my scripts folder:

Nautilus Scripts Folder

This is the result:

enter image description here

Nautilus Actions

We may define our own right-click context menu items with nautilus-actions Install nautilus-actions.

  • Run the Nautilus-Actions Configuration Tool either from the Dash, or from a terminal with


With this tool I was able to make a context menu item to open terminal here. I've followed these steps:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

One thing to note... It didn't show up on toolbar, or I didn't know where to look for it. So you don't have to check those two boxes in the second screenshot.

The whole thing works nicely, and I can click on files/folders or empty space to open terminal on current folder. It took a little effort to find out that the correct variable for folder path was "%d/%w".

When I was in /home/logan/games:

  • %d would get /home/logan if clicked on empty space
  • %d would get /home/logan/games if clicked on any file/folder under games folder

But %d/%w seems to work for both empty space and on folder/file.

You may also need to logout and log back in, unless you restart nautilus to reload the context menu.