Use element by css to check if element exists in Protractor

In a protractor end to end test, I want to check if an element exist using element(by.css(...)), my code:

var myElement = element(by.css('.elementClass'));

This test fails, it says:

    Expected { locator_ : { using : 'css selector', value : 'div[ng-switch-
    when="resultNav"]' }, parentElementFinder_ : null, opt_actionResult_ :
    undefined, opt_index_ : undefined, click : Function, sendKeys : Function, 
getTagName : Function, getCssValue : Function, getAttribute : Function, getText
 : Function, getSize : Function, getLocation : Function, isEnabled : Function, 
isSelected : Function, submit : Function, clear : Function, isDisplayed : 
Function, getOuterHtml : Function, getInnerHtml : Function, toWireValue : 
Function } to be undefined.

After that I tried to use a promise:

element(by.css('.elementClass')).then( functtion(data) {

This results in an error:

Error: No element found using locator By.CssSelector(...)

Yes, I know that no element will be found, but how can I create a working test using element(by.css(...))?

Does anyone know how to achieve this? or is element(by.css()) not the method to use here?

Solution 1:

You can test whether the element is present with isPresent. Here are the protractor docs for the isPresent function.

So, your code would be something like:

var myElement = element(by.css('.elementClass'));

Solution 2:

You need to test if the element is not present:


Solution 3:

Truthy and falsie refer to values that are evaluated to true and false after being coerced to a boolean unless you want your function to return different types of values.

var myElement = element(by.css('.elementClass'));
myElement.isPresent().then(function (elm)
    if (elm)
        console.log("... Element was found")
    } else {
        console.log("... Element was not found")

Solution 4:

same thing, but different syntax

let elem = $('.elementClass');
let elemIsPresent = await elem.isPresent();