Finitely generated algebra

No, being finitely generated as an algebra is generally not as strong as being finitely generated as a module.

Being finitely generated as an algebra means that there is some finite set of elements from the algebra, such that the subalgebra generated by those elements is the entire algebra.

This means that apart from $R$-linear combinations of the elements, we can also take all products of the elements, which may well give us a lot more elements.

As an easy example of an algebra (let's say over a field $k$) that is finitely generated as an algebra but not finitely generated as a module over $k$, we can take the polynomial ring $k[x]$ in one indeterminate. As a $k$-module (ie, a vector space), this is infinite dimensional, so not finitely generated. But as a $k$-algebra, it is generated by the element $x$.