How to prevent building things in other castles in multiplayer of Stronghold: Crusader?

In Stronghold: Crusader anyone can build buildings in almost everywhere even near enemies building and castle. But this is a problem in fact, when enemies know this trick, they can build cheap buildings near our castle and make problem. For example, We have a castle like this:

enter image description here

And our enemy build something near our buildings and our units start firing at the building:

enter image description here

But fire based units like Fire Ballista will cause damage to our things and will cause a big fire (although it's a small fire in the picture blow):

enter image description here

Although Stronghold Crusader is a really good game which have multiplayer option, by knowing these tricks we won't enjoy the game.

Here are some ideas that I think can prevent this bug:

  • Preventing making fire-based units: It's useless even if we don't make them, our allies (human or computer) will.
  • Preventing dense building: We can't because some building should be near others.
  • Making no free space available between buildings: It's hard and needs so much time and makes other problems.

What should we do?!

Solution 1:

If you're playing with people you don't know, just do the same to them.
If you're playing with friends, agree on not using this strategy.

  • I wasn't aware of this particular playstyle, and I'm not sure what could counter this, but enclosing your keep will definitely help.

  • They shouldn't be able to use their fire ballista until they get an engineer to it, so try killing the engineer before it gets to the ballista, and destroy the ballista afterwards.

  • Build a lookout tower to maximize the range of your archers so they can kill units from pretty far.

  • Spread out your units, as they shouldn't be able to build near them (although this might only apply to walls and gatehouses).

Keep in mind that they are wasting resources doing this. Just enclose your keep and have water pots available to counter the spreading fire.