A night without sleeping

How many ways are there of saying that someone didn't sleep all night? In my country, it can be expressed with just an adjective or a noun; how can I say it in English?

To address the comments below:

Original language: Portuguese.

Respective (2-word) adjective: "de direta", as in "I am 'de direta'".

Respective noun: "direta", as in "Today I did a 'direta'".

Solution 1:

I've always liked: "I had an all-nighter."

This generally refers to a night out on the town, night-time shift work, or cramming for exams. Something of that nature.

Solution 2:

You have a choice: an insomnia, a sleepless night (the noun is sleeplessness), a wakeful night (wakefulness), a restless night (restlessness).

Solution 3:

There is also the word fitful, as in "I had a fitful sleep last night," which means the sleep was intermittent and not restful, not a proper night's sleep at all.

Solution 4:

Insomnia perhaps but you still need something like "I lay awake all night with insomnia" which is a bit redundant.