How to create a JavaScript callback for knowing when an image is loaded?
+ callback
This is a standards compliant method without extra dependencies, and waits no longer than necessary:
var img = document.querySelector('img')
function loaded() {
if (img.complete) {
} else {
img.addEventListener('load', loaded)
img.addEventListener('error', function() {
Image.onload() will often work.
To use it, you'll need to be sure to bind the event handler before you set the src attribute.
Related Links:
- Mozilla on Image.onload()
Example Usage:
window.onload = function () {
var logo = document.getElementById('sologo');
logo.onload = function () {
alert ("The image has loaded!");
logo.src = '';
}, 5000);
<title>Image onload()</title>
<img src="#" alt="This image is going to load" id="sologo"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
You can use the .complete property of the Javascript image class.
I have an application where I store a number of Image objects in an array, that will be dynamically added to the screen, and as they're loading I write updates to another div on the page. Here's a code snippet:
var gAllImages = [];
function makeThumbDivs(thumbnailsBegin, thumbnailsEnd)
gAllImages = [];
for (var i = thumbnailsBegin; i < thumbnailsEnd; i++)
var theImage = new Image();
theImage.src = "thumbs/" + getFilename(globals.gAllPageGUIDs[i]);
setTimeout('checkForAllImagesLoaded()', 5);
window.status="Creating thumbnail "+(i+1)+" of " + thumbnailsEnd;
// make a new div containing that image
function checkForAllImagesLoaded()
for (var i = 0; i < gAllImages.length; i++) {
if (!gAllImages[i].complete) {
var percentage = i * 100.0 / (gAllImages.length);
percentage = percentage.toFixed(0).toString() + ' %';
userMessagesController.setMessage("loading... " + percentage);
setTimeout('checkForAllImagesLoaded()', 20);
Life is too short for jquery.
function waitForImageToLoad(imageElement){
return new Promise(resolve=>{imageElement.onload = resolve})
var myImage = document.getElementById('myImage');
var newImageSrc = ""
myImage.src = newImageSrc;
// Image have loaded.
console.log('Loaded lol')
<img id="myImage" src="">
You could use the load()-event in jQuery but it won't always fire if the image is loaded from the browser cache. This plugin can be used to remedy that problem.