How do I clear Chrome's SSL cache?

Chrome stores SSL certificate state per host in browser history.

So just clear browser history (Ctrl+Shift+Del), at least the following parts:

  • Cached images and files
  • Hosted app data
  • Content licenses
  • Cookies and other site data, for Chrome version 64

Solution 2. If the above doesn't help, try this:

  • Close Chrome, kill all chrome background processes
  • Delete the directory:
    %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/CertificateTransparency

Many problems with SSL certificates can be solved by simply removing the file from the cache folder.

In Chrome or Chromium, the file to be removed is cert9.db in the folder ~/.pki/nssdb. (In Firefox, you’d want to remove cert8.db.)

Attention! After removing these files, you will need to re-register CAs in your browser.

This is solution is for linux systems, the steps for Windows users would be somewhat different.

As far as I know, certificates are not specific to Google Chrome (at least on Windows) but to the whole system. You’ve already deleted that cert through Chrome’s interface, so it should gone.

Just to be certain, you could try.

Start → Run → certmgr.msc

Another tool to try is CCleaner. It should help with better cleaning of Chrome’s caches.

For Windows 10, there is a way to clear only OCSP and CRL information without clearing Chrome history.

More details can be found from Mr. Dimcev's blog post

Running the suggested certutil -urlcache ocsp delete is likely to result in FAILED: 0x80070020 (WIN32: 32 ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) if Chrome is running.