Jquery click function is not working for dynamic elements

Solution 1:

The click() function you can call on the elements which have direct binding. Direct binding will only attach event handler which are present at the time of DOM loading i.e. static elements.

If there are elements created after DOM is loaded, then not all the events associated with them would be triggered if you have not attached the event handlers correctly.

And when you create dynamic elements that means they are being created after DOM is loaded and they were not present at the time of direct binding, so you can not call directly click() on that.

if you want to get click functionality on dynamic created elements, you'll have create a delegated binding by using on. This you can achieve by adding a .on handler to a static parent element.

Delegated events have the advantage that they can process events from descendant elements that          
are added to the document at a later time.

Change this line

$("#questlist_item_button_reward" + obj.questid).click(function() {


$("#call_questitem").on("click", "#questlist_item_button_reward" + obj.questid, function() {

And do the same for the go button as well.


Solution 2:

You're overwriting the dynamic id with questlist_item_button.

    id='questlist_item_button' <!-- REMOVE ME --> 
    value='GO !'/>

Solution 3:

That was because your DOM will be created on the fly. So you have to use delegate with jQuery:

Bind click event on document with selected id:

$(document).on('click', '#questlist_item_button_go'+obj.questid, function(){
     // your action here