I've got quite big trouble, because i need to anathematise from styling some input types. I had something like:

.registration_form_right input:not([type="radio")

But i don't want to style checkboxes too.

I've tried:

.registration_form_right input:not([type="radio" && type="checkbox"])
.registration_form_right input:not([type="radio" && "checkbox"])
.registration_form_right input:not([type="radio") && .registration_form_right input:not(type="checkbox"])

How to use &&? And I'll need to use || soon, and I think that usage will be same.

I still don't know how to use || and && correctly. I couldn't find anything in W3 docs.

&& works by stringing-together multiple selectors like-so:

<div class="class1 class2"></div>

  /* foo */

Another example:

<input type="radio" class="class1" />

  /* foo */

|| works by separating multiple selectors with commas like-so:

<div class="class1"></div>
<div class="class2"></div>

  /* foo */

AND (&&):

.registration_form_right input:not([type="radio"]):not([type="checkbox"])

OR (||):

.registration_form_right input:not([type="radio"]), 
   .registration_form_right input:not([type="checkbox"])

To select properties a AND b of a X element:


To select properties a OR b of a X element:


The :not pseudo-class is not supported by IE. I'd got for something like this instead:

.registration_form_right input[type="text"],
.registration_form_right input[type="password"],
.registration_form_right input[type="submit"],
.registration_form_right input[type="button"] {

Some duplication there, but it's a small price to pay for higher compatibility.