warning: Insecure world writable dir when I run a ruby or gem command

Solution 1:

Just chmod go-w /opt/local/bin at a shell prompt (depending on permissions you may need to sudo to do that).

Solution 2:

To clarify, whatever path returns after it says insecure world writeable, is what you use.

So instead of: chmod go-w /opt/local/bin you would replace /opt/local/bin with whatever your path is.

Solution 3:

Find your gem path so we can edit the bundler gem. Execute the following in your shell:

$ ruby -r rubygems -e "p Gem.path"

Navigate to your gem path and cd into the version of bundler currently being used. Now navigate to lib -> bundler and open runtime.rb in your favorite text editor. Add “$VERBOSE = nil” to line 2.

require "digest/sha1" 
$VERBOSE = nil 
module Bundler   
class Runtime < Environment
    include SharedHelpers

    def setup(*groups)
      # Has to happen first
