nginx restrict directory access by ip
I'm using nginx and want to restrict access to a directory to everyone except myself. I want to access the php scripts in /restricted. I've tried a few things so far. If I recall, this works to block access to all except the allowed ip, but all scripts are pushed to download instead of processed now.
location ~ /restricted {
deny all;
Solution 1:
You'll need a second (I prefer nested) php block since you want these php files handled differently. Also, assuming that /restricted is supposed to be a uri prefix and not just something that appears anywhere in the uri, you want a different type of location:
# This handles everything that starts with /restricted,
# and no regex locations will override it
location ^~ /restricted {
deny all;
# This will inherit the allow/deny from the outer location
location ~ \.php$ {
include fastcgi.conf;
fastcgi_pass backend;