Disable form submission via Enter key on only _some fields

I want to retain the conventional 'form submits when i press Enter' behavior because users are familiar with. But by reflex, they often hit enter when they finish with a text input box - but before they are actually done with the complete form.

I'd like to hijack the Enter key only when then focus is on a certain class of input.

Looking Related Questions this looks like what I'm looking for:

if (document.addEventListener) {
} else {
    document.getElementById('strip').onkeypress = HandleKeyPress;

but the if (document.addEventListener) { part is unfamiliar to me.

Solution 1:

You can capture and cancel the enter keypress on those fields like this:

    if ( e.which == 13 ) return false;
    if ( e.which == 13 ) e.preventDefault();

Then on your inputs just give them a class="noEnterSubmit" :)

Looking ahead in case others find this later, in jQuery 1.4.3 (not out yet) you can shorten it to this:

$('.noEnterSubmit').bind('keypress', false);

Solution 2:

 <input type="text"  onkeydown="return (event.keyCode!=13);" />

Solution 3:

Just add following code in <Head> Tag in your HTML Code. It will Form submission on Enter Key For all fields on form

<script type="text/javascript">
    function stopEnterKey(evt) {
        var evt = (evt) ? evt : ((event) ? event : null);
        var node = (evt.target) ? evt.target : ((evt.srcElement) ? evt.srcElement : null);
        if ((evt.keyCode == 13) && (node.type == "text")) { return false; }
    document.onkeypress = stopEnterKey;