Is there a third-party iTunes store browser?

I like browsing through the iTunes store's music content, but I really don't like the UI on the macOS iTunes store application (Macbook Pro). Is there a third-party app that emulates the iTunes store (API calls and whatnot)?

Edit: I was talking about my computer the whole time, not the iOS iTunes store. Whoops.

A very basic way to browse the iTunes Music Store with less of bling-bling and no ads is nashville:

Open Terminal and install nashville:

sudo gem install nashville

After the gems are installed, choose an inspiring coloring scheme:

osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to set background color of window 1 to {56000,450,10000,0}"

Now search for an artist, an album or a song.

Check its --help or its [command] --help. By entering its preview [previewUrl] you can also listen to some music previews with an external player like QuickTime Player.