Word for the mutual transfer of belongings to their appropriate domains

I'm looking for a word that describes the following situations:

  • A man and a woman are breaking up. Over the course of their relationship, their possessions have become intermingled: a box of his LPs at her place, a bottle of her shampoo at his. They agree to a series of events through which he takes back what's his and she hers.
  • A company has two branches, one for accounts payable and one for accounts receivable. The company receives a large flow of correspondence pertaining to both. To sort this, they hire an uninitiated temp to determine which mail goes to which department. While in some cases the temp gets it right, in many cases each department receives mail which would better fall under the other's jurisdiction. Every week, they engage in a transfer where a courier from each department trades the other for the misdirected mail.

Solution 1:

I very much like assort, but I assert that rectify or rectification is more appropriate in the suggested contexts. Assort has the nice meaning of classifying or distributing things, but rectify carries the connotation of "putting things right," which suggests both that something was where it shouldn't be, and now has been put back where it should be.

Solution 2:

I think the word you are looking for is assort.

That leopard-skin rug is not mine. My ex and I have not finished assorting our stuff yet.

I'm headed to the main branch to assort the mail, so do you want me to get the TPS reports while I'm there?

Solution 3:

Possible options:

-reclamation (reclaim)

-recover (recovery)

-retrieve (retrieval)

Solution 4:

Parcel could be used in both cases.

  1. John and Jane parceled out their joint belongs before parting ways.

  2. The departments had to parcel out each others' mail for rerouting.