using custom command from old .inputrc in zsh?

I used to have this in my .inputrc when I used bash but it doesn't work in ZSH because ZSH doesn't read the .inputrc (AFAIK):

$if Bash
  # Meta+O can be made to load the previous 
  # command and position the cursor for typing an option
  "\eo": "\C-p\C-a\ef "

It's the one thing I miss from my bash days. Is there a way to port this command to ZSH? I tried some bindkey shenanigans with little success.

Solution 1:

That's right, zsh has its own line editor (ZLE) and doesn't read readline's .inputrc.


# define widget function
function cursor-after-first-word {
    zle up-history
    zle beginning-of-line
    zle forward-word

# create widget from function
zle -N cursor-after-first-word

# bind widget to ESC-o
bindkey '^[o' cursor-after-first-word

See man zshzle about what else is possible.