Unique ways to use the null coalescing operator [closed]

Well, first of all, it's much easier to chain than the standard ternary operator:

string anybody = parm1 ?? localDefault ?? globalDefault;


string anyboby = (parm1 != null) ? parm1
               : ((localDefault != null) ? localDefault
               : globalDefault);

It also works well if a null-possible object isn't a variable:

string anybody = Parameters["Name"]
              ?? Settings["Name"]
              ?? GlobalSetting["Name"];


string anybody = (Parameters["Name"] != null ? Parameters["Name"]
                 : (Settings["Name"] != null) ? Settings["Name"]
                 :  GlobalSetting["Name"];

I've used it as a lazy load one-liner:

public MyClass LazyProp
    get { return lazyField ?? (lazyField = new MyClass()); }

Readable? Decide for yourself.