map set/get requests into C++ class/structure changes

Solution 1:

Boost has Property Maps for this purpose.


The most elementary interface it exposes is

get(map, key)
put(pmap, key, val)

For lvalue/readable maps you can also get indexer style access

pmap[key] = newval; // if not const/readonly

You can a existing property map adaptors:

  • identity_property_map and typed_identity_property_map
  • function_property_map
  • iterator_property_map
  • shared_array_property_map
  • associative_property_map
  • const_associative_property_map
  • vector_property_map
  • ref_property_map
  • static_property_map
  • transform_value_property_map
  • compose_property_map

or write custom ones.

There is even a dynamic_property_map that looks like this, in practice:


Note that age and gpa could be stored anywhere (even requiring a web-request, perhaps) but the difference in access is abstracted away by the properymap interface that sits in between.

Samples from my answers:

  • Is it possible to have several edge weight property maps for one graph BOOST?
  • Cut set of a graph, Boost Graph Library using a BiMap and a Boost Multi Index container to store the properties