Is it possible to list the files that are cached?

Solution 1:

Well, there is an easy way to take a look at the kernel's page cache if you happen to have ftools - "fincore" gives you some summary information on what files' pages are the content of the cache.

You will need to supply a list of file names to check for their presence in the page cache. This is because the information stored in the kernel's page cache tables only will contain data block references and not filenames. fincore would resolve a given file's data blocks through inode data and search for respective entries in the page cache tables.

There is no efficient search mechanism for doing the reverse - getting a file name belonging to a data block would require reading all inodes and indirect blocks on the file system. If you need to know about every single file's blocks stored in the page cache, you would need to supply a list of all files on your file system(s) to fincore. But that again is likely to spoil the measurement as a large amount of data would be read traversing the directories and getting all inodes and indirect blocks - putting them into the page cache and evicting the very page cache data you were trying to examine.

Solution 2:

You can use the vmtouch utility to see if a named file or directory is in cache. You can also use the tool to force items into cache or lock them into cache.

[root@xt ~]# vmtouch -v /usr/local/var/orca/procallator.cfg
[     ] 0/5

           Files: 1
     Directories: 0
  Resident Pages: 0/5  0/20K  0%
         Elapsed: 0.000215 seconds

Now I can "touch" it into cache.

[root@xt ~]# vmtouch -vt /usr/local/var/orca/procallator.cfg
[OOOOO] 5/5

           Files: 1
     Directories: 0
   Touched Pages: 5 (20K)
         Elapsed: 0.005313 seconds

Now to see how much is cached...

[root@xt ~]# vmtouch -v /usr/local/var/orca/procallator.cfg
[OOOOO] 5/5

           Files: 1
     Directories: 0
  Resident Pages: 5/5  20K/20K  100%
         Elapsed: 0.000241 seconds