Connecting 2 VM running Windows 7

It's a common problem with default network settings. Its default setting is to make a virtual NIC on another subnet and use NAT to communicate. So from the virtual PC you can browse the host but you can't browse the VPC from the host.

Here is the possible solution:

  1. [WIN7] Win7 & Virtual PC: how to browse local workgroup LAN?
  2. And probably related: This one

  1. Silly but make sure file and printer sharing is on , also workgroups are same

  2. try port scan 80 and 3306 , if it's filtered get ride of firewalls if it's closed make sure your webserver is online ( if u using wamp , xampp , etc )

  3. make sure you checked your network map ( windows 7 feature ) and all vm's are in same network not multiple networks


As i asked from a certificated network engineer

You should set host ip as gateway for both machines if u using VirtualPC

for example :

host ip :  gateway : none
vm1  ip :  gateway :
vm2  ip :  gateway :

And be sure that u checked ports ( Http: 80 , Mysql: 3306 ) and they are open as i told use a port scan there is bunch of freeware port scan and in this situation host firewall can act directly and filter ports , And is there anything else like iis or any other webserver running ? if yes change default port !

Okay I think you must do following steps to solve your problem.

  1. You must check firewall rules for your both virtual machines.
  2. The Workgroup on the both virtual machines must be same.
  3. You must check out Connections Settings on both of your Virtual Machines, Them must be corrected set.

I think thats All. Good Luck ! If you have any question, I am waiting for your comments.

1- Check both machies are on the same "physical" net. (in the virutal world, are both bridged on the same real network card??)
2- Check both have an IP on the same IP subnet in example and