'git push heroku master' is still asking for authentication

I have executed:

$ heroku login

But when I try to push, I'm still asked for authentication:

$ git push heroku master
Username for 'https://git.heroku.com': <email>
Password for 'https://<email>@git.heroku.com':

Then I get a WARNING: Do not authenticate with username and password using Git.

I ran heroku login again and authenticated successfully but I still get the same failure.

I've checked the remote:

$ git remote -v
heroku https://[email protected]/appname.git (fetch)
heroku https://[email protected]/appname.git (push)

I've also generated a new public key, passed it to Heroku, and validated it: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/keys

I am on Windows 8, with Git 1.9.5.

I got around this by logging in with the following :

username : email used to register to heroku (Also been able to leave this field blank)

password : heroku auth token (API Key)

where the auth token can be retrieved by $ heroku auth:token or via the Account Settings in Heroku

I had the same problem (git couldn't authenticate). It happend that GIT wants to read auth data from %HOME%/_netrc file and on Windows you don't have this variable (only %USERPROFILE% and %HOMEDRIVE% + %HOMEPATH%)

i set HOME to %USERPROFILE% (the place where heroku saved _netrc file) and GIT started working

First find the _netrc file that is created by heroku. In windows it can be found in C:\Users\User Name\_netrc.

That file contains credentials for git.heroku.com

machine git.heroku.com
     login [email protected]
     password xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Use that login and password when ask for authentication after $ git push heroku master command