Text editor where unsaved files can be recovered after computer crash?

I use Text Editor to draft emails and other messages.
Not files that I want to save, just drafts.

Problem: When my computer crashes (happens often recently), I loose the drafts.

Is there a text editor that backs up unsaved files somewhere? (preferably in a single place)

I tried Text Editor (Gedit), and Leafpad.

Note: I don't want ~example files to be created everywhere, because they are a mess in the terminal, and can be dangerous when sharing USB sticks. So unfortunately I can't use GEdit's backup feature.

Scribes is like Text Editor.

But it saves files automatically in your home folder, with a name like:

oqiowdq - (2013-04-05 16:49:15)

Where "oqiowdq" is the first line you typed.
This file is removed when you really save your file.

Unfortunately, it does not have tabs, so feel free to post better answers.
Also, the line number on the left make the text less readable than Gedit.

Besides Notepadqq, another alternative is Geany with Save Actions plugin.

Both of them support autosaving as well as backup.

And both of them can restore the last session on startup.