Open terminal via Safari

There are three URL types which can open Terminal from Safari:

  1. ssh
  2. telnet
  3. x-man-page

Those informations can be found under CFBundleURLTypes key in: /Applications/Utilities/

So in order to open Terminal app, you can place link like:

<a href="telnet://">telnet</a>

<a href="ssh://">ssh</a>

<a href="x-man-page://">man page</a>

It does not prefill informations in Terminal for me.

Bonus: This rule can be applied to any application that can open URLs.

Check URL types of the app with:

defaults read /absolute/path/to/Info.plist CFBundleURLTypes

for example:

defaults read /Applications/Utilities/Script\ CFBundleURLTypes

This gives me applescript as URL type, so making link like:

<a href="applescript://">Script Editor</a>

Opens the Script Editor app.