What is a "Talk to me goose" situation?

In Top Gun, the hero pilot (Maverick) and his radar intercept officer (sort of a copilot) buddy (Goose) have to eject during a training flight that goes wrong. Goose dies, Maverick feels guilty, and thereafter shies away from dangerous situations. At the end of the film, Maverick has to decide whether to run from an aerial dogfight or engage the enemy. He has kept Gooses's dogtags and grasps them saying, "Talk to me, Goose." Maverick takes courage and engages the enemy, thus saving the day. Go here for a clip.

Without a context for what you're hearing, it's hard to say how it's applicable.

I use it all the time, but it's more like, "I am waiting for answer here... please respond." E.G. Two friends having a text exchange. Friend #1: "Hey, can you meet me for lunch on Wednesday?" Then 10 minutes go by without a response. Friend #1 again: "Talk to me Goose." Friend #2: "Oh, sorry, had to take a call and got distracted. Yeah, lunch Wednesday is good, where do you want to meet?"