Does CP determine the aggressiveness of a wild Pokemon?

I have started to notice a potential pattern with wild Pokemon. It would appear that the higher their CP, the more aggressive they are; that is, they jump more, dodge more, or "attack" more. Is this true, or am I just imagining things? Are there specific levels of CP where certain behaviors are more prevalent?

There really isn't a concrete answer to this, but if you're interested in some approximations here is a good Google Spreadsheet listing the Catch Rates and Flee Rates of Pokemon. See below for explanation of the columns.

  • Base Catch Rate and Flee Rate are for Pokemon with a decent CP (not too high, not too low)
  • Effective Catch Rate takes into consideration both Base Catch Rate and Flee Rate to determine what are the chances of you catching the Pokemon without it escaping
  • -50% Catch Rate is for Pokemon with much higher CP
  • +50% Catch Rate for lower CP Pokemon
  • +100% Catch Rate for very low CP Pokemon

Credits to the Google Spreadsheet goes to this Reddit Post. The OP of that post did quite a lot of math to figure this stuff out so kudos to him!