Is there any replacement for putty [closed]

Is there any nice looking terminal with more features and sexy looks than putty?

I find it very boring.

Well, it's not just a simple terminal like PuTTY, but I'm hugely fond of MobaXterm - it has tabs, a good amount of *nix native plugins on Windows, multiple terminals and you can use it just like any Linux terminal. The more recent builds also do SSH X forwarding and quite a few other interesting things.

Unlike PuTTY though, you'd need to use SSH from CLI to connect to a system via SSH.

enter image description here

My choice would be the ZOC SSH/Telnet Terminal

Looks very sexy to me and has more feature than I ever needed (and I needed a lot).

enter image description here


  • An icon for each session
  • Transparency
  • Roll-up
  • Always visible
  • Background image

It's the other way round (may be I'm biased): putty is the windows replacement for linux/unix ssh.

So if you just type ssh myaccount@server, you have a terminal emulator session to the node server. What I mean is that putty makes up for the lack of ssh command under Windows standard installation.

Having said that, I do understand what you mean and have better answers.

  • For one thing putty works perfectly well with wine if you really miss putty or if you are looking for a common toolset between Linux and Windows.

  • I'm told there is also a native putty binary (credits to @Journeyman Geek)

  • There are plenty of alternative terminal emulator for Linux, the vast majority of them support the SSH protocol. I would recommend Terminator for all its nice features like splitting windows horizontally and/or vertically.