How to make a TnT explode as soon as I place it

I want to make my TnT explode as soon as I place it. how do I do this?

Ok, this I gonna be tough, but it here goes:
1. Name a mooshroom spawn egg "InstantTnt" or whatever else you want; just be sure to replace all the times I say "InstantTnt" with your name (as long as the new name doesn't have any spaces). I know this sounds weird, but it will all work in the end.
2. Type
/scoreboard objectives add isInstant dummy
3. Put this on a clock (repeating command block):
/execute @e[name=InstantTnt] ~ ~ ~ /summon PrimedTnt ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:1}
4. Put this in a repeating command block as well:
/tp @e[name=InstantTnt] ~ -600 ~
Done! Now, this will only work if you right click with a mooshroom spawner named "InstantTnt" (or whatever name you chose). To do this with a regular TNT block would be incredibly complex.
One bug you may find is steak and leather appearing at the explosion. Tell me if this happens; I'll have to tweak the spawn egg to do so.
Hope this helps!