MySQL - Select the last inserted row easiest way

Solution 1:

It would be best to have a TIMESTAMP column that defaults to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP .. it is the only true predictive behavior you can find here.

The second-best thing you can do is ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1 and hope the newest ID is the largest value.

Solution 2:

You can use ORDER BY ID DESC, but it's WAY faster if you go that way:

SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE ID = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM bugs WHERE user = 'me')

In case that you have a huge table, it could make a significant difference.


You can even set a variable in case you need it more than once (or if you think it is easier to read).

SELECT @bug_id := MAX(ID) FROM bugs WHERE user = 'me';
SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE ID = @bug_id;

Solution 3:

SELECT MAX(ID) from bugs WHERE user=Me

Solution 4:

One way to accomplish that is to order you records and limit to 1. For example if you have the following table ('data').

    id | user | price
    1  |  me  | 40.23
    2  |  me  | 10.23

Try the following sql query

  select * from data where user='me' order by id desc limit 1