Remove HTML Tags from an NSString on the iPhone

Solution 1:

A quick and "dirty" (removes everything between < and >) solution, works with iOS >= 3.2:

-(NSString *) stringByStrippingHTML {
  NSRange r;
  NSString *s = [[self copy] autorelease];
  while ((r = [s rangeOfString:@"<[^>]+>" options:NSRegularExpressionSearch]).location != NSNotFound)
    s = [s stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:r withString:@""];
  return s;

I have this declared as a category os NSString.

Solution 2:

This NSString category uses the NSXMLParser to accurately remove any HTML tags from an NSString. This is a single .m and .h file that can be included into your project easily.

You then strip html by doing the following:

Import the header:

#import "NSString_stripHtml.h"

And then call stripHtml:

NSString* mystring = @"<b>Hello</b> World!!";
NSString* stripped = [mystring stripHtml];
// stripped will be = Hello World!!

This also works with malformed HTML that technically isn't XML.

Solution 3:

UITextView *textview= [[UITextView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 130, 250, 170)];
NSString *str = @"This is <font color='red'>simple</font>";
[textview setValue:str forKey:@"contentToHTMLString"];
textview.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentLeft;
textview.editable = NO;
textview.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"vardana" size:20.0];
[UIView addSubview:textview];

work fine for me

Solution 4:

You can use like below


 NSString* htmlStr = @"<some>html</string>";
 NSString* strWithoutFormatting = [self stringByStrippingHTML:htmlStr];


 -(NSString *)stringByStrippingHTML:(NSString*)str
   NSRange r;
   while ((r = [str rangeOfString:@"<[^>]+>" options:NSRegularExpressionSearch]).location     != NSNotFound)
     str = [str stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:r withString:@""];
  return str;

Solution 5:

use this

NSString *myregex = @"<[^>]*>"; //regex to remove any html tag

NSString *htmlString = @"<html>bla bla</html>";
NSString *stringWithoutHTML = [hstmString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:myregex withString:@""];

don't forget to include this in your code : #import "RegexKitLite.h" here is the link to download this API :