If a 32-bit integer overflows, can we use a 40-bit structure instead of a 64-bit long one?

Yes, but...

It is certainly possible, but it is usually nonsensical (for any program that doesn't use billions of these numbers):

#include <stdint.h> // don't want to rely on something like long long
struct bad_idea
    uint64_t var : 40;

Here, var will indeed have a width of 40 bits at the expense of much less efficient code generated (it turns out that "much" is very much wrong -- the measured overhead is a mere 1-2%, see timings below), and usually to no avail. Unless you have need for another 24-bit value (or an 8 and 16 bit value) which you wish to pack into the same structure, alignment will forfeit anything that you may gain.

In any case, unless you have billions of these, the effective difference in memory consumption will not be noticeable (but the extra code needed to manage the bit field will be noticeable!).

The question has in the mean time been updated to reflect that indeed billions of numbers are needed, so this may be a viable thing to do, presumed that you take measures not to lose the gains due to structure alignment and padding, i.e. either by storing something else in the remaining 24 bits or by storing your 40-bit values in structures of 8 each or multiples thereof).
Saving three bytes a billion times is worthwhile as it will require noticeably fewer memory pages and thus cause fewer cache and TLB misses, and above all page faults (a single page fault weighting tens of millions instructions).

While the above snippet does not make use of the remaining 24 bits (it merely demonstrates the "use 40 bits" part), something akin to the following will be necessary to really make the approach useful in a sense of preserving memory -- presumed that you indeed have other "useful" data to put in the holes:

struct using_gaps
    uint64_t var           : 40;
    uint64_t useful_uint16 : 16;
    uint64_t char_or_bool  : 8;  

Structure size and alignment will be equal to a 64 bit integer, so nothing is wasted if you make e.g. an array of a billion such structures (even without using compiler-specific extensions). If you don't have use for an 8-bit value, you could also use an 48-bit and a 16-bit value (giving a bigger overflow margin).
Alternatively you could, at the expense of usability, put 8 40-bit values into a structure (least common multiple of 40 and 64 being 320 = 8*40). Of course then your code which accesses elements in the array of structures will become much more complicated (though one could probably implement an operator[] that restores the linear array functionality and hides the structure complexity).

Wrote a quick test suite, just to see what overhead the bitfields (and operator overloading with bitfield refs) would have. Posted code (due to length) at gcc.godbolt.org, test output from my Win7-64 machine is:

Running test for array size = 1048576
what       alloc   seq(w)  seq(r)  rand(w)  rand(r)  free
uint32_t    0      2       1       35       35       1
uint64_t    0      3       3       35       35       1
bad40_t     0      5       3       35       35       1
packed40_t  0      7       4       48       49       1

Running test for array size = 16777216
what        alloc  seq(w)  seq(r)  rand(w)  rand(r)  free
uint32_t    0      38      14      560      555      8
uint64_t    0      81      22      565      554      17
bad40_t     0      85      25      565      561      16
packed40_t  0      151     75      765      774      16

Running test for array size = 134217728
what        alloc  seq(w)  seq(r)  rand(w)  rand(r)  free
uint32_t    0      312     100     4480     4441     65
uint64_t    0      648     172     4482     4490     130
bad40_t     0      682     193     4573     4492     130
packed40_t  0      1164    552     6181     6176     130

What one can see is that the extra overhead of bitfields is neglegible, but the operator overloading with bitfield reference as a convenience thing is rather drastic (about 3x increase) when accessing data linearly in a cache-friendly manner. On the other hand, on random access it barely even matters.

These timings suggest that simply using 64-bit integers would be better since they are still faster overall than bitfields (despite touching more memory), but of course they do not take into account the cost of page faults with much bigger datasets. It might look very different once you run out of physical RAM (I didn't test that).

You can quite effectively pack 4*40bits integers into a 160-bit struct like this:

struct Val4 {
    char hi[4];
    unsigned int low[4];

long getLong( const Val4 &pack, int ix ) {
  int hi= pack.hi[ix];   // preserve sign into 32 bit
  return long( (((unsigned long)hi) << 32) + (unsigned long)pack.low[i]);

void setLong( Val4 &pack, int ix, long val ) {
  pack.low[ix]= (unsigned)val;
  pack.hi[ix]= (char)(val>>32);

These again can be used like this:

Val4[SIZE] vals;

long getLong( int ix ) {
  return getLong( vals[ix>>2], ix&0x3 )

void setLong( int ix, long val ) {
  setLong( vals[ix>>2], ix&0x3, val )

You might want to consider Variable-Lenght Encoding (VLE)

Presumably, you have store a lot of those numbers somewhere (in RAM, on disk, send them over the network, etc), and then take them one by one and do some processing.

One approach would be to encode them using VLE. From Google's protobuf documentation (CreativeCommons licence)

Varints are a method of serializing integers using one or more bytes. Smaller numbers take a smaller number of bytes.

Each byte in a varint, except the last byte, has the most significant bit (msb) set – this indicates that there are further bytes to come. The lower 7 bits of each byte are used to store the two's complement representation of the number in groups of 7 bits, least significant group first.

So, for example, here is the number 1 – it's a single byte, so the msb is not set:

0000 0001

And here is 300 – this is a bit more complicated:

1010 1100 0000 0010

How do you figure out that this is 300? First you drop the msb from each byte, as this is just there to tell us whether we've reached the end of the number (as you can see, it's set in the first byte as there is more than one byte in the varint)


  • If you have lots of small numbers, you'll probably use less than 40 bytes per integer, in average. Possibly much less.
  • You are able to store bigger numbers (with more than 40 bits) in the future, without having to pay a penalty for the small ones


  • You pay an extra bit for each 7 significant bits of your numbers. That means a number with 40 significant bits will need 6 bytes. If most of your numbers have 40 significant bits, you are better of with a bit field approach.
  • You will lose the ability to easily jump to a number given its index (you have to at least partially parse all previous elements in an array in order to access the current one.
  • You will need some form of decoding before doing anything useful with the numbers (although that is true for other approaches as well, like bit fields)

(Edit: First of all - what you want is possible, and makes sense in some cases; I have had to do similar things when I tried to do something for the Netflix challenge and only had 1GB of memory; Second - it is probably best to use a char array for the 40-bit storage to avoid any alignment issues and the need to mess with struct packing pragmas; Third - this design assumes that you're OK with 64-bit arithmetic for intermediate results, it is only for large array storage that you would use Int40; Fourth: I don't get all the suggestions that this is a bad idea, just read up on what people go through to pack mesh data structures and this looks like child's play by comparison).

What you want is a struct that is only used for storing data as 40-bit ints but implicitly converts to int64_t for arithmetic. The only trick is doing the sign extension from 40 to 64 bits right. If you're fine with unsigned ints, the code can be even simpler. This should be able to get you started.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

// Only intended for storage, automatically promotes to 64-bit for evaluation
struct Int40
     Int40(int64_t x) { set(static_cast<uint64_t>(x)); } // implicit constructor
     operator int64_t() const { return get(); } // implicit conversion to 64-bit
     void set(uint64_t x)
          setb<0>(x); setb<1>(x); setb<2>(x); setb<3>(x); setb<4>(x);
     int64_t get() const
          return static_cast<int64_t>(getb<0>() | getb<1>() | getb<2>() | getb<3>() | getb<4>() | signx());
     uint64_t signx() const
          return (data[4] >> 7) * (uint64_t(((1 << 25) - 1)) << 39);
     template <int idx> uint64_t getb() const
          return static_cast<uint64_t>(data[idx]) << (8 * idx);
     template <int idx> void setb(uint64_t x)
          data[idx] = (x >> (8 * idx)) & 0xFF;

     unsigned char data[5];

int main()
     Int40 a = -1;
     Int40 b = -2;
     Int40 c = 1 << 16;
     std::cout << "sizeof(Int40) = " << sizeof(Int40) << std::endl;
     std::cout << a << "+" << b << "=" << (a+b) << std::endl;
     std::cout << c << "*" << c << "=" << (c*c) << std::endl;

Here is the link to try it live: http://rextester.com/QWKQU25252