JavaScript partially applied function - How to bind only the 2nd parameter?
Of course you can do it. Here's an ES6 solution using the spread operator (...
), since it's a bit more compact.
// Bind arguments starting after however many are passed in.
function bind_trailing_args(fn, ...bound_args) {
return function(...args) {
return fn(...args, ...bound_args);
If you'd prefer to specify the position at which binding starts:
// Bind arguments starting with argument number "n".
function bind_args_from_n(fn, n, ...bound_args) {
return function(...args) {
return fn(...args.slice(0, n-1), ...bound_args);
IN ES5, you have to muck around with constructing argument lists.
// ES5 version: construct arguments lists yourself
function bind_trailing_args(fn) {
var bound_args = [], 1);
return function() {
var args = [], bound_args);
return fn.apply(this, args);
Unlike the first two examples, this one handles this
In the context of your example:
var addThree = bind_trailing_args(add, 3);
addThree(1) // calls add(1, 3)
You could also consider using one of the functional programming libraries available for JS, such as The thing you want is called rcurry
You can use lodash's _.bind
to achieve this:
var add = function(a, b) {
document.write(a + b);
// Bind to first parameter (Nothing special here)
var bound = _.bind(add, null, 3);
// → 7
// Bind to second parameter by skipping the first one with "_"
var bound = _.bind(add, null, _, 4);
// → 7
<script src=""></script>
I am usually against libraries and prefer coding my own utility functions, but an exception can easily be made for lodash. I would highly suggest you check its documentation whenever you have a "This must be in the language somewhere!" moment. It fills in a lot of blanks in JavaScript.
Well. I'll just throw this out there.
var add = function(a,b) {
return a + b;
var addThree = function(a) {
return add(a,3);
Maybe it will be ok for some.