How do I access workspaces by number on macOS Sierra?

I'm running macOS Sierra 0.12.3 (16D32).

By exploding the desktop (four finger swipe up on trackpad) and then moving the mouse to the top bar I can create/update/destroy my workspaces.

With a four-finger swipe left/right or C-left/right I can move to the left and right.Also with a tool like BetterTouchTool I'm able to set shortcuts to move left/right.

I'd like to create a shortcut to access the workspaces by number. For example given the following workspaces Desktop 1-4:

enter image description here

I'd like to find a tool or system event where I could jump right to Desktop 3 perhaps with a keybinding like Cmd + 3.

  • Does such a tool, or system event exist on macOS where I can access my workspaces by number instead of only moving left or right?

You can access different spaces in Sierra with control + number keys. But first, you must enable it in the Keyboard shortcut settings:

  1. Go to Keyboard Settings (System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts)
  2. Select Mission Control from the left column of choices.
  3. Check these boxes: Switch to Desktop 1, Switch to Desktop 1

You can now use switch between spaces using short keys.