Bluetooth not enabled at startup on MacPro 3,1

I have an external BT controller with my MacPro 3,1. (I want it to support BT 4.0 which the built-in does not). A few months ago, somehow BT was no longer enabled at boot-time. How do I re-enable it? Mac OS 10.11.6.

The nvram settings are as follows:

EFIBluetoothDelay   %b8%0b
SystemAudioVolume   4
SystemAudioVolumeDB %f4
bluetoothActiveControllerInfo   %01%00%12%0a%01%00%00%00 =%00%1a}%daq%13
bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior   always
bluetoothInternalControllerInfo %06%82%ac%05%00%00 ]%00#l%bd%e5_
boot-gamma  m%1e%00%00%d9V%00%00%00%83%08%00%b6%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%0d%00%01%01%e3%04%02%02%05%08%04%04)%0d%07%07%a1%13%0e%0e4 %18%18T/##%f8=00%a7M=='\NN%d7mrr%0b%90%9a%9a%90%b2%c9%c9%fb%d7%0d%00%01%01%e3%04%02%02%05%08%04%04)%0d%07%07%a1%13%0e%0e4 %18%18T/##%f8=00%a7M=='\NN%d7mrr%0b%90%9a%9a%90%b2%c9%c9%fb%d7%0d%00%01%01%e3%04%02%02%05%08%04%04)%0d%07%07%a1%13%0e%0e4 %18%18T/##%f8=00%a7M=='\NN%d7mrr%0b%90%9a%9a%90%b2%c9%c9%fb%d7
efi-boot-device <array><dict><key>IOMatch</key><dict><key>IOProviderClass</key><string>IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict><key>UUID</key><string>EA7AF82F-7F7A-44D1-BEB0-35F3A2712898</string></dict></dict><key>BLLastBSDName</key><string>disk0s2</string></dict></array>%00
efi-boot-device-data    %02%01%0c%00%d0A%03%0a%00%00%00%00%01%01%06%00%02%1f%03%12%0a%00%01%00%00%00%00%00%04%01*%00%02%00%00%00(@%06%00%00%00%00%00%90`f%1d%00%00%00%00/%f8z%eaz%7f%d1D%be%b05%f3%a2q(%98%02%02%7f%ff%04%00
fmm-computer-name   Otheus%e2%80%99 Mac Pro
prev-lang:kbd   en:2

Solution 1:

Try a PRAM reset if you think NVRAM could be causing this. Other than that you can create a new admin user in System Preferences > Users & Groups and reboot into that. It won't fix the issue but if it doesn't happen you can be sure a setting or application in your profile is causing it. If it persists it could be NVRAM or even a software update.

Solution 2:

Unplug the adapter and plug it back in.

On my older Mac, in order to use macID, I had an LE dongle that has a blue indicator LED that would turn on (meaning it had power) but it would not broadcast BTLE until being removed and plugged back in.

Because of the design of macOS, it only recognizes the adapter after being removed and plugged back in for some unknown reason.

Unfortunately, after looking for solutions for a long time, this was the only one that worked for me.