Where is the settings.json file stored for Transmission?

I've bought a Raspberry Pi and I have managed to install xbian, samba and bittorrent (transmission).

All the fun showed up when I tried to upgrade the older version from the repo to the latest version - Transmission 2.77 - by following the steps as mentioned on Ubuntu Help Community Wiki.

My question is - where is the settings.json file stored?

I can download via command line with success - but I can't configure the settings file to allow the remote web interface... (I can only find the settings file which the previous version used).

The file is stored here:

sudo nano /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json

Make sure you stop it first before editing

/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon stop

It depends on which user runs it but you can easily find all potential locations by running

sudo find / -name 'settings.json'

this may result with many settings.json (usually not) file if you have other services which created a similar filename somewhere for something other than transmissionbt. To overcome, you can run

sudo grep -rnw '/' -e 'download-dir'

to find files which contain "download-dir" string which exist in settings.json file of transmission-bt.

Refer to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Transmission

If running Transmission under the username transmission, the configuration file will be located at /var/lib/transmission/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json.

If running Transmission under your own username, the configuration file will be located at ~/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json.