If I use the Transpurrter and abandon quest I lose all items collected?

In Monster Hunter Generations we have a new service in the beginning of the quests, which is the palico transpurrter, that brings back to village some items that we give him to get back.

If I ask him to delivery some item that I have adquired during the quest, and them abandon it (which usually returns to the state before entering the quest) those items will be lost? Or will be delivered?


I just tested this.

I had 74 Herbs in my box. I went to Jurassic Frontier via the paw pass quest, collected two herbs, gave them to the Transpurrter, then abandoned the quest.

When I went to look in my box afterwards, I still had 74 Herbs.

So it looks like the answer is yes, you do lose any items you gave to the Transpurrter if you abandon the quest.